This is not the first time I was almost hit by a train. Not the last time either.
But unlike my other “near-misses”, I had a travel buddy behind me facing the same fate as me. He was Asiri ayya.
Just before we heard the train coming up, the whole place started to cover up in a thick mist. And then the train took ages to reach where we were. We didn’t know if it’s near or far. And all of a sudden it was there. Just appeared. And passed unexpectedly fast and so close to us without a warning.
It was an indescribable moment when a train passed just like for half a minute, just a few centimetres away from your face.
I definitely felt, what if we were hit? If we didn’t die of the impact, we would definitely die falling to the steep fall right behind us. We didn’t have even an inch to move backwards. There wasn’t any room for a tiniest error.
Despite the whole tension, I was able to take a picture of what was coming at us.