I just remembered when I was a kid, I didn’t have any friends, obviously. No that’s not what I remembered. I remembered that there was a lesson in grade 4 at primary school that involved circles. Other kids were drawing circles using coins. You know you get a circle drawing around a coin. But I didn’t have any coins. Because I didn’t need them, as I was walking home after school; so, no bus fares and I had my food with me for the interval; so, no canteen money either. So I asked a classmate for a coin. He has just refused. Others refused too. Then I have drawn a circle by hand without any aids, and it looked better than their circles. They were astonished seeing my drawings lol. I think I have almost never asked anyone a help afterwards. That’s how I started to manage to be alone for my entire life.
How I started to manage to be alone for my entire life